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3 min read
The Hidden Power of Relaxation
“Relax.” This is something that has been said to me countless times and it’s only recently have I realized that I’ve spent my entire life...
4 min read
I Float Away...
As children, we establish our definition of safety, and of happiness. Because our frame of reference for the harsh realities of life is...
3 min read
An Artist's Mind in the Float Tank
About twenty years ago I worked with this guy Thom R. He was the first person I knew, who also knew, about sensory deprivation in a float...
4 min read
Why My Mind is Like Wile E. Coyote
When I was twelve years old my mother was shot and her boyfriend at the time was murdered. I was in the house and, although I didn’t see...
2 min read
Therapy and the Float Tank
Therapy, like being in a float tank, is one of the few places where we only focus on our internal processes. As a therapist, I am...
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